
Required Outline

Schindler’s List

1. Brief synopsis of the person, event, conflict on which the film is based.
A. Oskar Schindler, a German, protects hundreds of Jews during the Holocaust.
B. The conflict of ethnocentrism that the Germans have towards others during WWII.
C. The atrocities that happened in concentration camps.
2. Major themes/frames of the film.
A. Good always triumphs over evil.
B. One person can make a difference in the world.
C. Denial of the truth can have detrimental impacts on what happens.
D. The Girl in the Red Coat
3. Major differences between historical record, coverage in The New York Times (or other newspapers) & film translation.
A. The delay in reporting on the events in The New York Times caused an uninformed United States
B. The Holocaust is an example of extreme dehumanization; however, the film did not portray the full extent of the terror.
C. Characters in the movie were not portrayed accurately
4. Major similarities between historical record, coverage in The New York Times (or other newspapers) & film translation.
A. The New York Times reported factual death rates; however, the rates were generalized and not exact.
B. Schindler did end up protecting at least a thousand Jews even though he did not personally write a list.
C. The locations were correct in the movie.
5. What ideological perspectives are reinforced or challenged?
A. Ethnocentrism is challenged.
B. Capitalism is reinforced.
C. Patriarchy is reinforced.
6. What is privileged—Truth or Truthiness? Relate to media effects theories and media literacy concepts. How does the film construct a specific version of reality and what is the significance of the Hollywood version? In other words, whose stories are told? Whose stories are omitted? What is the significance of how the story is framed?
A. Oskar Schindler’s story is told over any other stories.
B. The underplayed atrocities committed in the concentration camp.
C. The story was framed to leave you with the feeling of hope and that the Holocaust wasn’t that bad.

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